

list phrase⇒(<token, any meta…|>?*), list phrase⇒(<literal token⇒natural number, <token, any meta…|>?>?), list phrase⇒(<token, any meta?…|>?), list phrase⇒(statement*), list phrase⇒(any?), list phrase⇒(any meta?), list phrase⇒(exception*)
Source: /avail/Avail/Foundation/Bootstrap/Origin
Categories: Avail Syntax, Functions
Construct and answer a block phrase from the supplied components.
Position Name Type Description
1 argPhrases list phrase⇒(<token, any meta…|>?*) A list phrase corresponding to the argument declarations. Zero or many argument phrase s are permitted.
2 primitivePhrase list phrase⇒(<literal token⇒natural number, <token, any meta…|>?>?) A list phrase that includes the parts of the primitive declaration (primitive number, primitive failure reason, primitive failure reason type). Zero or one primitive declaration is permitted.
3 labelPhrase list phrase⇒(<token, any meta?…|>?) A list phrase that includes the parts of the label declaration (label name, label return type). The label return type is optional, and will be inferred from the enclosing block 's return type if absent. Zero or more label declaration is permitted.
4 bodyPhrase list phrase⇒(statement*) A list phrase corresponding to the statement s that comprise the body. Zero or many statement s are permitted.
5 returnPhrase list phrase⇒(any?) A list phrase corresponding to the value-producing return expression. Zero or one return expression is permitted; if omitted, then the return type is inferred to be .
6 returnTypePhrase list phrase⇒(any meta?) A list phrase corresponding to the return type declaration. Zero or one return type declaration is permitted; if omitted, then the return type is inferred to be type union of the type indicated by returnPhrase and the label return type.
7 exceptionTypesPhrase list phrase⇒(exception*) A list phrase corresponding to the declared exception s. Zero or many exception s may be declared.
Returns block phrase