
Grammatical restrictions:

Argument Position Prohibited Expression
Argument 1 ¬_
Argument 2 current fiber


any, tuple
Source: /avail/Avail/Foundation/Tuples
Categories: Tuples, Collections, Queries
Is value an element of aTuple?
Position Name Type Description
1 value any An arbitrary value.
2 aTuple tuple
Returns boolean true if value is an element of aTuple, false otherwise.
any, type
Source: /avail/Avail/Foundation/Early Enumeration Support
Categories: Types, Queries
Is value an instance of aType?
Position Name Type Description
1 value any
2 aType type
Returns boolean true if value is an instance of aType, false otherwise.
atom, atom
Source: /avail/Avail/Foundation/Bootstrap/Fallible Primitives
Categories: Primitives, Atoms, Queries
Does anAtom have a property whose key is key?
Position Name Type Description
1 key atom The property key.
2 anAtom atom An atom.
Returns boolean `true` if anAtom has a property whose key is key, `false` otherwise.
special-atom exception
any, set
Source: /avail/Avail/Foundation/Bootstrap/Infallible Primitives
Categories: Primitives, Sets, Queries
Is element an element of aSet?
Position Name Type Description
1 element any An arbitrary value.
2 aSet set A set.
Returns boolean `true` if element is an element of aSet, `false` otherwise.
any, map
Source: /avail/Avail/Foundation/Bootstrap/Infallible Primitives
Categories: Primitives, Maps, Queries
Is key a member of the set of keys of aMap?
Position Name Type Description
1 key any The key whose membership should be queried.
2 aMap map A map.
Returns boolean `true` if key if a key of aMap, `false` otherwise.

Semantic restrictions:

any meta, map meta
Source: /avail/Avail/Foundation/Early Maps
Use type intersection to determine whether the map could possibly contain the specified key. In some rare circumstances, it is even possible to determine if the map *must* contain the key.
Type Description
Parameter Types
any meta
map meta
any meta, set meta
Source: /avail/Avail/Foundation/Early Sets
Type Description
Parameter Types
any meta
set meta
any meta, tuple meta
Source: /avail/Avail/Foundation/Tuples
Type Description
Parameter Types
any meta
tuple meta