

number, number
Source: /avail/Avail/Foundation/Early Math
Categories: Mathematics, Relations, Numbers
Is a greater than or equal to b?
Position Name Type Description
1 a number A number.
2 b number A number.
Returns boolean true if a is greater than or equal to b, false otherwise.
character, character
Source: /avail/Avail/Foundation/Characters
Categories: Mathematics, Relations, Numbers, Unicode
Is a 's code point greater than or equal to b 's code point?
Position Name Type Description
1 a character A character.
2 b character A character.
Returns boolean true if a 's code point is greater than or equal to b 's code point, false otherwise.
string, string
Source: /avail/Avail/Foundation/Strings
Categories: Strings, Relations
Compare two strings lexicographically by Unicode code point.
Position Name Type Description
1 s1 string
2 s2 string
Returns boolean true if s1 collates after s2, false otherwise.