

tuple, whole number
Source: /avail/Avail/Foundation/Tuples
Categories: Tuples, Transformers
Split a aTuple into two tuples between pivot and pivot + 1 and answer a 2-tuple containing the results.
Position Name Type Description
1 aTuple tuple
2 pivot whole number The index (inclusive) at which to split aTuple.
Returns <tupleā€¦|2> A 2-tuple. The first tuple contains the first pivot elements of aTuple. The second tuple contains the remaining elements of aTuple.

Semantic restrictions:

tuple meta, whole number's type
Source: /avail/Avail/Foundation/Tuples
Construct the strongest possible 2-tuple type for the given arguments. The first element type is a tuple type whose elements are drawn from the original tuple type. The second element type is a tuple type whose element type are smears (i.e., type unions) of the trailing element types of the original tuple type. The pivot is used to determine the cardinality ranges of the these element types.
Type Description
Parameter Types
tuple meta
whole number's type