The Avail Programming Language

availc -? (help listing)

localhost:~$ availc -? The Avail compiler understands the following options: --availRenames The absolute path to the renames file. This option overrides environment variables. --availRoots The Avail roots, as a semicolon (;) separated list of module root specifications. Each module root specification comprises a logical root name, then an equals (=), then a module root location. A module root location comprises the absolute path to a binary module repository, then optionally a comma (,) and the absolute path to a source package. This option overrides environment variables. -f --clearRepositories The option to force removal of all repositories for which the Avail root path has valid source directories specified. This option can be used in isolation and will cause the repositories to be emptied. In an invocation with a valid target module name, the repositories will be cleared before compilation is attempted. -q --quiet The option to mute all output originating from user code. -s --showStatistics The option to request statistics about the most time-intensive operations in all categories ( -s or --showStatistics ) or for specific categories, using a comma-separated list of keywords ( --showStatistics=#,# ). This option overrides environment variables. Possible values in # include: L2Operations - The most time-intensive level-two operations. DynamicLookups - The most time-intensive dynamic method lookups. Primitives - The primitives that are the most time-intensive to run overall. PrimitiveReturnTypeChecks - The primitives that take the most time checking return types. -t --showTiming Emits the time taken to clear the repositories, or the elapsed build time following a successful or failed build. -v --verboseMode The option to request minimum verbosity ( -v or --verboseMode ) or manually set the verbosity level ( --verboseMode=# ). This option overrides environment variables. Possible values for # include: 0 - Zero extra verbosity. Only error messages will be output. This is the default level for the compiler and is used when the verboseMode option is not used. 1 - The minimum verbosity level. The global progress and any error messages will be output. This is the default level for this option when a level is not specified. 2 - Global progress is output along with the local module compilation progress and any error messages. -? Display help text containing a description of the application and an enumeration of its options. <bareword> The target module name for compilation. The module is specified via a path relative to an AVAIL_ROOTS root name. For example, if AVAIL_ROOTS specifies a root named "foo" at path /usr/local/avail/stuff/, and module "frog" is in the root folder as /usr/local/avail/stuff/frog, the target module name would be /foo/frog.
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